ClearShield 紧急逃生防盗窗为您在家中发生火灾或紧急情况时,提供一道通畅无阻的绿色通道。其单项开启的特性,只能从家中打开。在您身处家中遇到危机情况而逃生无门的紧要关头,ClearShield紧急逃生防盗窗是您最值得信赖的的救命稻草。在保证其无比出色的防盗性能的同时,又增加了您紧急情况下的机动性。平时不用的时候,它便是一扇极其美观的集防盗、防蚊虫、通风、透光、遮阴于一体的多功能窗户。
emergency exit screen windows
For your family’s safety, we’ve developed the Emergency Exit Screen so in the event of a fire or similar household drama, you can escape by simply releasing the escape mechanism and pushing the screen frame outward.
It’s designed to release in a matter of seconds, and is extremely child friendly.
Emergency Escape Window Screens still have the unmistakable features of a ClearShield product including optimum visibility, stylish and smooth stainless steel good looks, while at the same time giving you the peace of mind to leave your windows open because it’s so strong.
Made to measure and colour matched to your home, Emergency Exit Screens can be installed over just the opening or the complete window.
ClearShield 紧急逃生防盗窗为您在家中发生火灾或紧急情况时,提供一道通畅无阻的绿色通道。其单项开启的特性,只能从家中打开。在您身处家中遇到危机情况而逃生无门的紧要关头,ClearShield紧急逃生防盗窗是您最值得信赖的的救命稻草。在保证其无比出色的防盗性能的同时,又增加了您紧急情况下的机动性。平时不用的时候,它便是一扇极其美观的集防盗、防蚊虫、通风、透光、遮阴于一体的多功能窗户。