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Looking For Fire Screens For Your Melbourne Home or Regional Property? Here’s What to Look For

Security Screens and Fire Safety

There’s little doubt that wildfires are a big problem for Australians. Every year we are inundated with news about bushfires and, sadly, property loss and damage. It is understandable, then, that people now look to fire screens in Melbourne to protect their properties and offer peace of mind.

Why Should I Install Fire Screens?

As it’s a continual threat, you will likely be looking at fire protection as part of your disaster prevention planning. It has been a problem for those who live outside of the cities for a while. But as we’ve seen in recent years, it can affect those in the suburbs as well.

Should fires come close to your property, fire screens will be your first defence against some ignition risks to your property, including:

  • Floating Embers
  • Radiant Heat
  • Naked Flames

Further, if your property is at risk, fireproof screens give you more control over the fire and, consequently, a much high chance of escaping a blaze unscathed. They can also be instrumental in controlling the spread of a fire so that your property remains in a salvageable state.

How Much are Fire Screens for my Windows?

You should know that, with other brands, there are further costs to consider. These might include:

  • Assessment
  • Delivery
  • Installation
  • Maintenance

The overall costs are also dependent on the brand that you buy. Super cheap fire screens might look good for your wallet to start off with, but if they need replacing due to weather or climate issues, then the cost starts to mount up.

Do Fire Screens Add Value to Your House?

If you are looking to sell your house, your potential buyers will most likely want to see that it is safe and risk-averse, especially if you are in a high BAL zone. The better protected your house is, the higher your asking price can be.

But it’s not just when you are selling your home that bushfire screens can add value. Insurers also like to know that you are taking precautions against fire damage and some will offer you lower rates on home insurance or contents insurance if you have screens installed. Also, if the worst does happen, fire screens have the potential to contain and control the fire without destroying your valuables as can occur with sprinkler systems.

What is the Difference Between Crimsafe and Invisi Gard?

Both Crimsafe and Invisi-Gard uses stainless steel wire mesh as standard when it comes to fire control screens which work very well when it comes to embers and sparks.

At Clear-Shield, we know that ‘one-size-fits-all’ just won’t do. That’s why our fire screens in Melbourne are built to your requirements with your property needs in mind. We consider the location and nature of your property so that things like falling timbers or escape routes are taken into consideration when installing. And having had our screens officially tested, we are proud to say they also reduce fire radiant heat, giving you more time to escape and control the fire.

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